Dot Dot ~~~~~ POLKA Dots

    The fall/winter 2011-2012 season isbringing back some surprising elements into fashion so check out the hottesttrend: polka dots. Have fun with your clothes and make sure you are alwayssporting the hottest trends as a true fashionista knows the latest fashionupdates!

    A true fashionista always paysattention to the latest fashion updates so make sure this new season you're sporting thelatest outfits. Polka dots are the new fashion trend to be looking for this fall/winter2011-2012 season and they look super fun. Fashion can help you underline yourindividuality and dots are the easiest way to make a fashion statement as theygo with everything and come in a variety of sizes and colors.

    Polka dots bring a lot of fun to an outfitmaking all the difference and taking any outfit out of the simple zone towardssophistication. They are a classic is the fashion industry making a constantcomeback so why not give them a try and make your outfit scream for attention.

    Fashion designers are constantly drawinginspiration from vintage fashion styles and dots are definitely a vintagedetail that can be transposed into contemporary outfits effortlessly. Frommicro dots to bold and colored dots, designers have made the best out of their designso draw inspiration from the fashion creations signed by some of the mostrespectable fashion labels of the world, brands such as MarcJacobs, Diane Von Furstenberg, David Koma, Stella McCartney, and many more others. 
    Fashion designers have tried to accentuate their designs with the help ofvarious polka dot sizes so go bold for a dramatic, eye catching look or opt forsubtle dotted details if you wish to stand out in a very chic, subtle manner.Either way if you know how to wear dots you're going to look hot.

    Whether displaced randomly, in a specificpattern or all over, the dots attract a generous amount of attention. The greatthing about dots is that they can be printed on the fabric or they can beapplied on to stand out and emphasize the detailing of the clothes.

    Dots go on everything from a vintage outfit, casual chic outfit to acontemporary form fitting dress so don't be afraid to experiment with variousdotted fabrics. From chiffon to leather and dot cut-outs anything goes, soexplore the wonderful world of fashion and play with the new fashion trends forthe fall/winter 2011-2012 season, as this way you'll surely attract everyone'sattention.

    Image Courtesy :-
    MoniCa singh
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